Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Sneak Preview(And a Review of Tamiya's Fine Surface Primer)

So, here goes. That's my Ariadnan Scout-Sniper for Corvus Belli's "Infinity" line, primed with my absolute favorite primer.

Tamiya's Fine Surface Primer.
Here's a quick review of Fine Surface Primer. Ready?
It's amazing. It clings to details without obscuring, and even works well in low temperatures. The only downside is the size of the cans they sell it in(they're about a quarter of the size of standard primer--for $9ish) and the fact that NO hobby shops I've been to have ever stocked it in-store. I've always had to order it from Squadron Mail Order.

Now, bear in mind this is just a teaser and he's already been basecoated his primary color(which will be Vallejo Olive Grey) and the rough idea of how he'll look is done in my mind.

But I figured I'd share, and actually make sure my camera's y'know...working.

Still need thoughts and brainstorming sessions on my Cadians though.
Hit me up on AOLIM as JarranVerth if you want to get in on the sessions.

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